The 2017 American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) Convention April 22-25 in New Orleans will provide ample opportunities to share your promising practices as well as hear what other leaders are doing to address similar challenges. Below, AACC board member and Henderson Community College President Kris Williams notes her highlights of the annual meeting.
For Kris Williams, attending the annual AACC convention is about connections.
The convention is “opportunity to meet new colleagues and mentors from across the country and re-kindle connections,” says the president of Henderson Community College in Kentucky.
And those connections lead to sharing of ideas and promising practices that she can bring back to her college.
“It is very helpful to hear good information from so many colleges — how they are finding opportunities and working through the same types of challenges as one’s own institution,” she says. “I come back from the AACC convention inspired with energy, enthusiasm and lots of great ideas to share with my college’s faculty and staff.”