For community college presidents, a challenging role yields high turnover
Chronicle of Higher Education (subscription required)
In the last five years, the American Association of Community Colleges has stepped up its training and professional development for college presidents.
Commentary: Gateway Technical College — a century of growth
Journal Times
To address the skilled worker shortage, the Wisconsin college has invested in improvement strategies leading to fewer credits required to complete a degree, expanding online programs, implementing credit-for-prior-learning assessments and establishing the Gateway Promise.
Community college enrollments soften; new programs tried
Press & Sun-Bulletin
Adding to a decline of state support for community colleges and limited county sponsor support, total enrollment at Tompkins Cortland Community College in New York has dropped by nearly 12 percent over the past five years.
North Carolina governor looks to make community college free
Gov. Roy Cooper wants to start an initiative called NC Grow, which would allow students to receive a state scholarship to attend a community college for little to no money.