Community colleges like mine are proving Kellyanne Conway wrong
Washington Post (blog)
The president’s rhetoric about strengthening American businesses rarely references the tireless efforts behind training our nation’s increasingly diverse workforce, writes DeRionne Pollard, president of Montgomery College (Maryland) and a member of the American Association of Community Colleges board of directors.
Weighing options for Communiversity funding
Commercial Dispatch
Lowndes County, Mississippi, supervisors want more time to consider a resolution that would pave the way for a $13.5 million bond issue for the Communiversity, a joint project between several counties and East Mississippi Community College to build a regional workforce training center.
3 community college presidents get stipends to take on dual roles
CT Mirror
Amid consolidation in Connecticut’s largest public college system, three community college presidents who assume dual roles will receive temporary stipends starting July 1 for the additional work.