Commentary: Free college for all will power our 21st-century economy and empower our democracy (blog)
Imagine making the first two years of college free for every American willing to put in the effort, work hard, and help grow the economy through their skills and talents — and imagine the impact of more Americans giving back to their communities and country, write a former U.S. education secretary and former policy adviser for President George W. Bush.
Report: Illinois Community Colleges score well
Daily Herald
Illinois now leads the nation in bachelor’s degree completion rates among community college students, according to the Illinois Board of Higher Education.
A Higher Degree
Why Spokane community colleges are now offering four-year degrees.
California community colleges seek nearly half a billion dollars in more funding for next year
Anticipating a different governor with new education priorities, California’s community college system is requesting $488 million in extra funding from the state for the 2019-2020 budget year.