Texas State Technical College works to fulfill struggling middle-skilled job gap
Waxahachie Daily Light
Former Marine Bronc Stewart, 23, is one of the many students enrolled at Texas State Technical College, which fuels the middle-skilled workforce with technicians who earn level one and level two certificates of completion and associate degrees in applied science.
Attending college is a more uncertain experience today. Here’s how to avoid regret
Community colleges are increasingly being touted as a resource for students looking to reduce the costs of higher education, as well as rack up workforce education experience, says Martha Parham, senior vice president of public relations at the American Association of Community Colleges.
PVCC drone conference underway
CBS News 19
At Piedmont Virginia Community College’s Third Annual Public Safety Unmanned Aircraft Systems Conference on Monday, Gov. Ralph Northam addressed attendees about the importance of drones in critical rescue missions, describing their current use in rescue and recovery efforts in tornado-ravaged Alabama, where at least 23 people were killed on Sunday.
Lorain County Community College president holds Walk and Talk event
Morning Journal
For Lorain County Community College President Marcia Ballinger, the periodic Walk and Talk tour of the campus is an less formal opportunity for students to ask her questions.