Second chances: Lockhart inmates graduate from community college
Austin American-Statesman
Tears and cheers filled the gymnasium at the Lockhart Correctional Facility as more than 100 family members, friends and officers celebrated the graduation of 14 women from Austin Community College’s certified production technician program.
Higher education seeing a shifting tide
Addison County Independent
Higher education opportunities like apprenticeships and community college are on the rise in Vermont, a state where 92 percent of students graduate from high school but only 37 percent of people aged 25 years or older have a bachelor’s degree.
Maine community colleges start class with increased workforce focus
Many of the new programs this year were launched with special funding from both the state and private sources.
James Sprunt Community College sees an increase in enrollment
The increase in enrollment is attributed to College and Career Promise classes offered to high school students and also from an increase in traditional college students attending.
Enrollment growing at Riverside County community colleges, even as it levels off statewide
Local development and population growth are helping to fuel community college enrollment increases in this part of California.
Tennessee’s community colleges welcome more than 83,000 students for first day of fall semester
Herald Chronicle
In an effort to further remove financial barriers, the system’s colleges are expanding a voluntary eTextbook initiative that was piloted this past spring semester.