Black students are succeeding in college at higher rates, but far behind white peers, report says
Los Angeles Times
It took 10 years for Jamaal Muwwakkil, who grew up in Compton and was the first in his family to go to college, to navigate his way through the California community college system and ultimately transfer to UCLA.
North Carolina community colleges ask state for 5% raises, $61M budget supplement
The Mountaineer
The North Carolina Community College System has asked for $60.2 million in recurring funds in fiscal year 2021-2022 to cover the pay raises for its staff and faculty at 58 campuses across the state.
Approval of a $40M bond levy could benefit Eastern Iowa Community Colleges
If the measure passes, the money will go toward expanding campus building and provide new technical programs in Eastern Iowa Community Colleges in Clinton, Jackson, Muscatine and Scott counties.
Commentary: Public universities and colleges can serve as economic engines to drive economy out of pandemic slump
Until our public colleges and universities can get off the roller coaster ride of uncertain state and federal funding, they will continue to struggle to fulfill their mission of providing the ladders to success for people from all walks of life – and that is a loss for all of us.
Executive Voice: New leader for NC community colleges links education with economic growth
Triangle Business Journal
For the new president of the North Carolina Community College System, the Covid crisis is also a period of intense responsibility for higher education, especially community colleges.