Preparing students of color for the future workforce
Center for American Progress (blog)
In a study, community members identify two major challenges to preparing students for the future workforce: significant gaps in partnerships between K-12, higher education and workforce systems; and a lack of funding for K-12 college and career preparation.
Free tuition might save community colleges — but what if students need more?
Next City
Making information easily accessible and informally talking to students about their experiences is the key to success for colleges such as Nashville State Community College in Tennessee.
Commentary: Don’t underestimate value of short-term credentials
Inside Higher Ed (Letter to the editor)
A short-term credential that leads to a better job and higher income can make a tremendous difference for a family, writes Glenn DuBois, chancellor of the Virginia Community College System.
Many left behind in this recovery have something in common: No college degree
Washington Post
In recent months, there has been a noticeable surge in people with two-year associate degrees getting back into the workforce, but Americans with only a high school diploma or less remain deep in crisis mode, even as employers claim they are having trouble finding workers.