Commentary: Lessons learned during my first year as a community college president
Mordecai Brownlee, president of Community College of Aurora in Colorado and a member of the AACC board of directors, outlines three key lessons he learned (and rediscovered) in his first year as a two-year college president.
Commentary: You control who you enroll
The Mixed Methods Blog (Community College Research Center)
For colleges interested in assuming responsibility for enrollment, some basic enrollment tools are at their command: timing, testing, transfer, and tuition, writes Doreen Larson, president of Edison State Community College in Ohio.
In first major act as head of CT’s community colleges, Maduko shakes up system’s leadership structure
Hartford Business Journal
Connecitcut State Community College President John Maduko, who was named to his role in April and now oversees the 12 community colleges that are in the process of merging, is scrapping the regional president model he inherited and re-assigning those leaders to new systemwide executive roles.