Tracy Hartzler, president of Central New Mexico Community College, discusses how the college uses Unmudl, a national skills-to-jobs online marketplace that connects working learners with a consortium of community colleges and employers to quickly get skilled for new careers or higher levels in their current careers.
For students planning to transfer to a four-year school, there can be little guidance, causing them to waste time and money, and adding costs for taxpayers who subsidize their educations. The Community College of Rhode Island is part of a new coalition working to change that.
New Mexico’s Santa Fe County is starting the construction phase of a more than $20 million infrastructure project 20 years in the making, which aims to provide better access to Santa Fe Community College and accommodate future growth south of the city.
The New York college’s CannabisHub will offer classes leading to certificates in cannabis cultivation, processing and sales. The classes will take place entirely online, allowing students to work at their own pace.