AZ Family
On Thursday, Arizona’s Rio Salado College will have its first bachelor’s degree graduates walk across the stage.
The botched FAFSA rollout leaves students in limbo. Some wonder if their college dreams will survive
Associated Press
If her FAFSA goes through, 19-year-old Ashnaelle Bijoux should be eligible for enough financial aid to help with the $13,000-a-year tuition at Southern Connecticut State University. If not, she might go to a local community college, but even that would require loans if she can’t complete the FAFSA.
USA Today
Ximena Penuelas Quinonez is on track to finish her associate degree and is heading to Arizona State University in the fall. ASU, like many four-year schools, funnels nearby community college grads onto campus as transfers, hoping they’ll turn their associate into bachelor’s degrees.