Government Technology
After a delay, Linn-Benton Community College will roll out its new electric vehicle program in 2025. The program is designed to recruit women to the field, but had difficulty attracting qualified instructors.
Boston Herald
Massachusetts public higher education saw a surge in fall enrollment this year, with community college students jumping by 14% and public four-year colleges increasing for the first time since 2013, according to Massachusetts Department of Higher Education data released this week.
The Virginia Community College System had leaders in the Skilled Trades come together this week. Their mission was to figure out how to best, support, retain and fill the workplace gaps in the job market.
As the 14 North Carolina community colleges impacted by Hurricane Helene continue recovery efforts, the North Carolina Community College System is asking state lawmakers for student support funds and stabilization dollars due to enrollment loss.
Brookings (blog)
Colleges and universities in the U.S. are facing strong headwinds on enrollment figures, forcing some tough conversations. Dick Startz explains the current state of college closures and enrollment trends that will impact colleges in the coming years.