Why part-time success matters
Insider Higher Ed
If community colleges are going to close achievement gaps, they need to better accommodate part-time students, report says.
Information shared about the impact of community colleges in Illinois
Canton Daily Ledger
While 65 percent of students in public higher education in Illinois went to community colleges, community colleges received only 15 percent of state funding for higher education.
College, vo-tech teach next gen of small-business owners
Lehigh Valley Business
Students in a pilot entrepreneurial program between Bethlehem Area Vocational-Technical School and Northampton Community College learned that owning a small business isn’t an easy gig. And they learned that from experience.
Washington college joins DACA effort
Daily Herald
Everett Community College has joined dozens of other higher education organizations in supporting a legal challenge of President Donald Trump’s decision to end a program that allows young people who arrived in the U.S. illegally as children to remain in the country.
A TOPS path for community and technical college students gets nod
Minden Press-Herald
In Louisiana, the House Education Committee has approved a proposal that provides students at two-year vocational and technical colleges with a path for transferring to four-year universities.