The higher education nearly all Americans love
The Atlantic
Despite news reports that Republicans are generally skeptical of college, there are certain programs and institutions that they are quite warm to.
Michigan Democrats propose free community college plan
Associated Press
Michigan’s House Democrats want the state to provide full-tuition scholarships for community college students.
Will Iowa follow free community college trend?
Spencer Daily Reporter
Iowa Central Community College President Dan Kinney isn’t sure when Iowa may join the growing list, and isn’t sure it should.
Mississippi university hands ex-campus to community college
Associated Press
A Mississippi university is transferring a former satellite campus to a community college.
Commentary: Rep. Virginia Foxx: Honor the class of 2018 by giving their successors a better deal
Washington Examiner
The chair of the House Education and the Workforce Committee pitches for her committee’s bill to reauthorize the Higher Education Act, which the House may soon vote on.
Interstates joins Northwest Iowa Community College, exposes high schoolers to tech careers
Sioux City Journal
Career and technical education instruction through Interstates could save a student up to $2,300 per semester in college tuition.